As an Anglican parish, St. Andrew’s is led by the wardens and parish council and by the rector. The members of Parish Council are elected each year at our Annual General Meeting in February. The People’s Warden and the Deputy People’s Warden are also elected at that time. The Rector’s Warden and the Deputy Rector’s Warden are appointed by the rector. All of these positions are for a one-year term, although those elected usually agree to stand for re-election for a second or third term.
2023 Wardens:
Rector's Warden: Marilyn Shade
Deputy Rector's Warden: Catherine Whiteley
People’s Warden: Len Howland
Deputy People’s Warden: Gary Davies
2023 Parish Council:
Wardens, Lois Ainey, Hayden Blair, David Caul (Interim Treasurer), Tim Cribdon, Dennis Danielson, Sandi De Luca, Bruce Huxable, Valerie Smethurst, Barbara Uibel, Janice Varga.
Parish Council committees are:
Admin & Finance, Worship, Christian Education, Pastoral Care, Outreach, Communications and Parish Life. The parish also has a number of other committees and teams that are not committees of parish council, but that also keep the parish running smoothly. For more information about these commitees and work teams, please see the "Resources" link onthis website, and scroll down to the "Roles and Responsibilities" document on that page.
Lay Delegates to Synod
Tim Cribdon, Hayden Blair, Barbara Uibel (alternate)
Youth Delegate to Synod: